
A total of 51 periodontal sites from 6 adults with no systemic diseases or medication were selected for the study. All sites showed radiologic bone loss and pockets of 4 mm or more. Crevicular fluid (CF) was collected by inserting filter paper strips into periodontal pockets for 5 s and was measured by Periotron. Samples were collected before and 2, 5, 10, 20, and 40 days after a single episode of periodontal treatment (scaling, root planing and curettage). Plaque Index (P1I), Papilla Bleeding Index (PBI) and pocket depth (PD) were measured before and 40 days after treatment. The amount of bone loss was estimated from orthopantomograms taken immediately before the trial. Two days after treatment an increase in the amount of CF was seen. After this the amount of CF decreased, reaching the pretreatment level on day 5 after treatment and a level clearly below pretreatment level on day 10 after treatment. Forty days after treatment a slight increase in the amount of CF was seen. The difference between pretreatment values and values at days 2, 10, 20, and 40 was highly significant. In pretreatment samples, positive correlations were found between the amount of CF and PD, PBI and bone loss and, in samples collected 40 days after treatment between CF and PD. CF measurements made before treatment were of no value in predicting the changes in clinical parameters after treatment.

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