
Teacher identity has emerged as a central topic in educational research since 1990s. Professional identity among university EFL teachers is however understudied, especially those were engaged in in-service PhD study. Drawing on the interviews with nine EFL teachers in a Chinese university, this qualitative case research explored the changes of their professional identity with in-service PhD study experience. Positive changes were reported by all nine teachers, although with varied foci. Consistent with prior studies, the nine teachers demonstrated multi-leveled, achievement-oriented and discipline-focused professional identities. This research highlights the powerful influence of policy upon their identity changes. Their professional identities are shaped and reshaped in the process of negotiating and balancing between personal beliefs and rules at different levels. Teachers with non-English PhD academic background displayed conflicting professional identity, with institutional pressure being the important sources of their struggle and dilemma. 自20世纪90年代以来,教师专业认同研究已逐渐成为教育领域的一个重要研究主题,但关于大学英语教师的专业认同,尤其是读博经历对其身份认同的影响,尚鲜有实证研究。本案例研究通过访谈等质的研究方法,对某高校九位有过职后读博经历的英语教师的专业认同变化情况及特点进行了探究。研究发现,读博经历对教师的专业认同产生了不同程度的积极影响。但教师们认同变化的侧重点有所不同。和其他研究发现一致的是,九位教师的专业认同也具有多层次、成就取向、学科关注的特点;另一方面,本研究发现政策对教师专业认同有强影响,教师专业认同的形成和重构其实是教师个人标准、学科共同体标准、院校标准、一般意义上公认的学术职业标准彼此之间角力、协商、寻求平衡的过程。非英语专业博士背景的受访教师的专业认同与制度环境之间存在明显的紧张关系。

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