
The article is devoted to an important problem of today – the analysis of water content of rivers using the example of the Vorskla River, a left-bank tributary of the Dnieper, which originates outside the Sumy region and flows through the territory of the region for about 122 km (26.3% of the river's length). The Vorskla River is characterized by the processes of overgrowth and silting, the river loses its water content and turns into a low-flow reservoir in places, therefore the outlined problem is extremely important. The purpose of the study: to analyze the water content of the Vorskla River using the important quantitative characteristics of the flow of expenses of water to the data of the hydrological post of the village of Chernechchyna in the period from 1979 to 2019. The article considers the concept of water content and describes the research methodology, analyzes the main quantitative characteristics of river flow: expenses of water (average, maximum and minimum). It was established that the average annual expenses of water of the Vorsklа River is characterized by a steady downward trend, low-water years prevail over high-water ones, and the low-water phase has been ongoing since 1989; the value of the indicator of maximum expenses of water decreases sharply, 73.2% of the data of the sample has a value less than 161,3 m3/s, only in 1980 the highest indicator of 585 m3/s was recorded, which is 1,3 times lower than the maximum multi-year expenses of water; the dynamics of the minimum expenses of water of the Vorskla River shows a wave-like downward dynamics, over the past 10 years, the indicator of the minimum expenses of water has decreased and its average value for the period 2010-2019 is 2,23 m3/s, the lowest minimum expenses of water was recorded for the period 1979-2019 (1,52 m3/s) are 6,4 times higher than the minimum multi-year indicator; the trend that scientists state about the intra-annual redistribution of flow is clearly followed (the hydrological indicators of high water are decreasing, and low water, on the contrary, are increasing); all signs of low water are present: all investigated quantitative indicators of flow are decreasing.

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