
The estuary of the Rio Jaguaribe (NE Brazil) is filled by a sediment sequence of more than 23 m and characterised by estuarine plains that – today - extend 30 km upstream.We investigated the sedimentary dynamics in the Rio Jaguaribe estuary since the early Holocene by means of clay mineralogical analyses, as well as sediment analyses from 11 sediment cores. The clay mineralogical approach proves to provide the most robust results. A transition of the illite/kaolinite peak area ratio from 0.3 to 1.8 within the vertical depositional record suggests a change of sediment transport direction over time. Whereas in the lower sequence marine influence dominates, characterised by the relatively high kaolinite content originating from the weathered Barreira formation at the coast, in the upper sequence sediments of fluvial origin dominate, which are characterised by the relatively high illite content originating from the crystalline rocks in the source area of the Jaguaribe river. The depositional architecture of the Holocene sediments of the Jaguaribe estuary shows a seawards prograding infill, assumed to have occurred since the mid-Holocene and supports studies suggesting a stagnating or slightly falling relative sea level (RSL) since ∼7000 BP.

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