
Telomeres have lately received considerable attention in the development of tree species. Normal somatic cells have limited replicative capacity and telomeres get shorten with each round of DNA replication. For broad-leaved tree species, to determine what changes happen to their somatic cells in its annual development cycle, an exhaustive research on different ages of gingko trees telomere length changes was carried out. Analysis of changes in leaf telomere lengths in the annual development cycle of Ginkgo biloba L. showed no significant changes (P > 0.05) from April to August, but a dramatic decrease in September and October (P < 0.05). Statistical analyses showed that TRF length of males and females are equal, the p values of the three age groups comparison were all bigger than 0.05. The results showed that specific apoptotic changes occur in the annual development cycle of Ginkgo biloba L.

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