
Physical properties of soils determine the ecological status of forest ecosystems, in particular, virgin forest. In turn, the development of the plants root system, the nature of the soils’ moisture and nutrient regimes determine the physical properties of the soils. In addition, physical properties are taken into account when developing forest technical measures and are the basis for forestry operations. The Ukrainian Carpathians is characterized by a significant influence of the anthropogenic factor, which manifests itself in the massive deforestation of the forests, which radically changes the physical condition of the soils, so the study of these changes is extremely relevant. In addition, research of violations of the physical condition of burozems is extremely important for forests, as the deterioration of their physical properties reduces the resistance of forests to the wind throws. However, in the Ukrainian Carpathians, virgin forest ecosystems are still fragmentarily preserved and protected, which forms stable landscapes without human intervention, as a result of purely natural factors. Therefore, the study and analysis of changes occurred in the physical properties of burozems under the different phytocoenoses specifies on topicality of the work. The purpose of the research is to study the general physical properties of the Ukrainian Carpathians burozems and their changes caused by different phytocoenoses. The object of research is the Ukrainian Carpathians burozems, which formed under the virgin forests, forests and reeds. The subject of research is the general physical properties of the Ukrainian Carpathians burozems, which formed under different phytocoenoses. The results of investigations of the Ukrainian Carpathians burozems’ physical properties under the different phytocoenoses are presented. The general physical properties – bulk density of stony soils, bulk density of the silt, particle density, general porosity and aerial porosity are investigated. According to the results of the analysis of changes of the Ukrainian Carpathians burozems’ general physical properties under different phytocoenoses, one can conclude the following row: burozems of beech and oak-beech virgin forests are characterized by the best values of general physical properties, burozems of sycamore-beech forests – by the good, burozems of meadows – satisfactory, and burozems of beech-sycamore-oak forests and spruce virgin forests – by worst values. Key words: general physical properties, burozems, virgin forests, bulk density, particle density, general porosity, aerial porosity.

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