
The study identifies the forces of changes in todays turbulent industrial scenario dominated by technology and diverse workforce. It explores the concept of change management with the insights on Productive Social Networking within the organizations. The study proposes the model of agile organisation based on constructive social networking and e-learning. Also, Sustainability requirements is identified as the major driving force for strategic agility in response to changes. The model explains the role of productive social networking in fostering creativity and innovation among employees and employee groups. It also focuses on the requirement of agility in human resources or talent to have creative solutions in the direction of sustainable development. The study proposes concept of agile change management with appropriate use of technology. st Century, Organisations are surrounded by information technology that affects how they are designed and managed. In todays workplace, many employees work on computers only and many work on virtual teams also. Employees and employee groups are electronically connected to colleagues, partners around the world. It requires leaders to be not only tech-savvy but also be responsible for managing web of relationships that reaches far beyond the boundaries of the physical organization. The opportunity and challenge of building a flexible link between a company , its employees, vendors, customers. Further, growing workforce diversity has brought variety of challenges in front of the organizations. The challenges include maintaining a corporate culture, balancing work and quality of life, coping with cultural conflicts, etc. Uncertainty in the macro-environment is the matter of challenge for any organization. The two important aspects of this uncertainty are -i) Information about the environment and ii) Resources available in the environment . The dynamic market conditions of complexity and the continuous change demands a greater need to collect the information and orgaisational response based on that information. In the new business ecosystems, managers have learnt to work in more horizontal process rather than vertical hierarchical structures. Important initiatives are not top down, rather they are formed in the every corner of the organization and also cut across the boundaries of the organization. Leaders must learn to utilize the technology for scanning the environment, opportunities and build up strong and sustainable relationships with multiple stakeholders.

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