
To date, there is no data on the change in the strength of hyper - compacted concrete. The conducted field observations summarize the data of a long-term period and allow us to draw a number of conclusions. As shown by numerous studies, the nature of the development of the strength of concrete over time depends mainly on the type of cement, the composition of the concrete mixture, the temperature and humidity conditions of hardening, and also on many other factors. Obtaining highly efficient building materials is possible by modifying the structure of cement stone and concrete. Consequently, the modification of the concrete structure in this direction is intended to improve the technological properties of the material. By modifying it is possible to change the kinetics of the growth of physical properties and the final values of the strength of concrete. Without considering the physico-analytical mechanism for changing the structure formation of concrete, we note that it is primarily aimed at reducing the amount of water - a mixing agent per unit volume of the material. However, various studies have shown that in the initial period, the structure formation of cement stone develops in the optimal direction only at certain volumetric water content. The limiting reduction in water content complicates the process of hydration of the binder, limiting the final strength properties of the material. At the same time, the final strength properties of the material are improved by reducing the volumetric water content of the mixture in every possible way. In all cases, the modification of concrete assumes its composition to be unchanged from the mixing of the mixture to the final stage of the formation of the concrete structure.

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