
Covid-19 Pandemic is a situation which affects mostly on economic life of the households and thereby also affects the education style of the students in almost worldwide. Today the system of education shift from offline education to the online learning. The online education does not reach all the students particularly living in rural areas. Unavailability of electricity, mobile phones, laptops having internet facility, bad network connection in rural areas, poor background of BPL families etc. are the numerous issues because of which the online education will not reached the poor students in rural areas. Under this drawback a study on attitude of college students on online learning environment in rural flood affected areas of Assam has been undertaken. A total of 150 degree students at Brahmaputra Valley of Assam have been randomly collected. For the purpose of the study Lakhimpur district of Assam was purposively selected by the researcher. The analysis of the study concludes that there is a positive contact of online learning on students during Pandemic situation. But the students living rural areas are deprived from getting the benefit of online learning in the district under study.

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