
Change in Galectin-3 (marker of fibrosis) during Empagliflozin therapy. K.Tchaava1, N.Gegeshidze1, M.Shavdia1, N.Ninashvili1, T.Shervashidze2 1Tbilisi State Medical University, 2 Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia Goal: To study Empagliflozin therapy effect on fibrosis marker- Galectin-3. Methods: Study was conducted on 50 patients divided into 2 groups. 25 patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2, high risks for cardiovascular pathology (dyslipidemia, arterial hypertension, excess weight, without clinical signs of heart failure) and high HbA1c 7,0–11,0%, and the second group of 25 patients without Diabetes Mellitus. Both groups were receiving standardized therapy. First group in addition to that was receiving Empagliflozin 10mg/day. Trial lasted for 20 weeks. Result: In the end of the trial clinical improvement was observed in both groups. In first group the dramatical decline of HbA1c to - 7,5% was noted. In both groups statistically significant BMI and lipid spectrum improvement was noted. Fibrosis marker- Galectin-3 was high in both groups in the beginning of the trial, but in the end- there was no statistically significant improvement. Conclusion: There is high number of fibrosis marker in patients who have Diabetes Mellitus and high risk for cardiovascular diseases. Empagliflozin therapy for 20 weeks failed to show decrease of fibrosis marker.

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