
Defects or bugs have been existed as a problem in the system and they are normally inevitable in software development. Most software bugs arise from mistakes and errors made by people in either a program's source code or its technical design. Huge amount of bugs could be found in system development. It was relatively difficult to manage bugs in simple word documents or remember everything in one’s head. Thus Change and Bug Tracking (CBT) System has been introduced in order to keep track of the reported bug in the system. By using this tracking system, every user can report and follow up the issue in the system. This system provided a platform for users from different departments to report issues and understand the latest progress in a product. It consolidated and organized information in single system and centralized data repository for the changes and bugs in system. Besides, this system could be accessed by team members concurrently to improve efficiency and they can search particular information in the system easily. It made communication between teams more effective and all the bugs and changes are recorded in web based system and hence the system is scalable. General Terms Security, system development.

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