
'Descent and the Changing Configuration of German and Israeli Immigration Regimes: A Comparative Perspective' - 'Ethnos or Demos? Migration and Citizenship in Germany' - 'Immigration and the Changing Composition of Israel's Citizenry: From Pioneers to Workers and From Settlers to Migrants' - 'Ethnic Democracy: A Concept for Group Inclusion and Exclusion in Germany and Israel' - 'Citizenship and Naturalization Politics in Germany in the 19th and 20th Centuries' - 'Reform of the Citizenship and the Conflict about Dual Citizenship' - 'A Genie which Escaped the Bottle or How the Jewish Nation State Became Multiethnic' - 'Sinti Identity, German Citizenship, and the Quest for Legitimization' - 'Islamic Fundamentalism? Problem constructions of German Turkish Youth in the Media and the Social Sciences' - 'Migration Regimes and Social Rights: Migrant Workers in the Israeli Welfare State' - 'Human, Citizen, Minority and National Rights' - 'Nationalism, Identity and Citizenship: The Yehoshua-Shammas Debate' - 'The Construction of Israeli National Identity' - 'Germany's Law of Return and the Transformation of its Ethnocultural Code' - 'Consumerism as a Civilizing Process: Israel and Judaism in the Second Age of Modernity'

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