
To review the latest data on prevention of HIV vertical transmission in Asia and Africa and discuss strategic directions to achieve an AIDS free generation by 2030. Progress in vertical transmission elimination efforts in Africa and Asia have stalled in the last decade, with 130 000 new infections in 2022. Main causes of vertical transmissions vary; in Asia-Pacific due to its low-burden, thus low testing coverage, but high overall vertical transmission rates, in South and East Africa due to new HIV infections during pregnancy and breast/chestfeeding, whereas in Western and Central Africa due to low antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage. Long-acting injectable ART and neutralizing antibodies for treatment and prevention show promise in supporting efforts to further reduce vertical transmissions. Integrated and more accessible pre- and postnatal care is needed to achieve an AIDS-free generation. Much can be implemented to address existing HIV service gaps; including strengthening of HIV prevention services for youth and women of childbearing age and pregnant people, early detection and treatment, and the delivery of integrated services that can reach and retain pregnant and postpartum people living with HIV in care.

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