
COVID-19 pandemic has halted fast-forwarding activities of the world. Everything has been confined to homes with limited physical activity. The imposition of lockdowns has paralyzed activities and public interaction. Consequently, physical fitness has been disadvantaged compromising public health. Restrictions of COVID-19 also put down coaching and sports. Physical training and interaction between players and coaches are significant to improve players performance. The sports sector affected by pandemics due to the low-level education of the players and coaches and lacking knowledge of modern training programs. Technological illiteracy has also added to the adversity, preventing players from getting effective benefits from online training programs. This study explores the challenges to coaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research also explores a comparison between direct coaching and online training in this regard. The research emphasizes the scope of maintaining physical fitness during pandemics. Findings of the interview conclude that Covid-19 has compromised the coaching and sports performance of athletes, and concepts like distance training remain ineffective due to the purely physical nature of the matter.

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