
The internet has evolved into an indispensable tool in virtually all aspects of human activities. The educational system has experienced rapid transformation since the development of internet. Research, documentation, and teaching have been simplified as a result of ICT revolution. In order to keep pace with global developments, most Nigerian universities have integrated the use of ICT in the conduct of academic activities. However, most of these internet facilities are not producing the desired result to help the students in their academic work. Hence, this study explores to find out the challenges undergraduates students of Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, faced in accessing internet services. The study is anchored on the uses and gratification theory which argues that media audience derived pleasure in using a particular media to satisfy their immediate need. The research adopted survey method as its research design and the questionnaire to elicit information from the respondents. The study was guided by four research questions. Findings indicated that even though respondents have relative access to the internet, they are often constrain by frequent power outages, network failure, lack of availability of computer systems and lack of ICT knowledge. The study among other things recommends that the university management should upgrade the internet facilities within the school premises.

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