
The Source Specific Multicast (SSM) service model and protocol architecture have recently been proposedas an alternative to the currently deployed Any Source Multicast (ASM) service. SSM attempts to solve many of the deployment problems of ASM including protocol complexity, inter-domain scalability, and security weaknesses. However, the SSM protocol architecture is not radically different from that of ASM. This has createdopp ortunities for integrating it into the currently deployed ASM infrastructure. In this paper, we first describe the ASM andSSM service models andasso ciatedproto col architectures, highlighting the relative merits andd emerits of each. We then examine the network infrastructure needed to support both of them. Our conclusion is that integration is relatively straightforwardin most cases; however there is one case--supporting ASM service over an SSM-only protocol architecture--for which it is difficult to design elegant solutions for an integrated SSM/ASM infrastructure.

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