
[18F]Fluoroethyl tosylate was synthesized using an automated “Synthra” module using ethylene di-tosylate and [18F]fluoride/K222/K2CO3 in acetonitrile. [18F]Fluoroethyl tosylate was purified by semi-preparative HPLC followed by reformulation using a C18 Sep-Pak cartridge and eluted with DMF. Using this [18F]fluoroethyl tosylate, we attempted to alkylate protected tryptophan aiming to obtain the N-[18F]fluoroethyl-t-Boc-tryptophan methyl ester. Initial attempts resulted in the formation of the O-alkylated, rather than N-alkylated product. Manual removal of the cartridge from the automated module, followed by an extended drying of the cartridge under high flow nitrogen, was required to form the desired N-alkylated product. This demonstrates that the drying process in automated modules requires modification for sensitive N-alkylation of compounds and may be essential for compounds like tryptophan methyl ester that have multiple potential sites of alkylation in their chemical structure.

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