
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a popular and economically important fruit crop, known for its high nutritional value and health benefits. The cultivation of pomegranate faces several significant challenges that impact its production and quality. This review article highlights key obstacles in pomegranate related to diseases, pests, and physiological disorders. In pomegranate, both fungal and bacterial diseases cause major loss during cultivation, which includes pomegranate wilt, bacterial blight and anthracnose. The pest infestation in pomegranate orchards can lead to substantial crop losses if not managed effectively. Some key pests such as pomegranate butterfly, fruit borer, and fruit-sucking moth, damage the fruits, and reduce fruit quality as well as yield. This review discusses potential solutions and management strategies to address these challenges and enhance pomegranate production. Understanding and mitigating these problems is essential for the sustainable growth of the pomegranate industry. Continuous research and innovation in pest and disease management are vital to support pomegranate growers in maintaining healthy and high-yielding orchards.

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