
To explore the organized stroke unit experience from the multiple perspectives of stroke survivor, family carer and the multi-disciplinary team. Organized stroke unit care reduces morbidity, mortality and institutionalization and is promoted globally as the most effective form of acute and postacute provision. Little research has focused on how care is experienced in this setting from the perspectives of those who receive and provide care. This study used a qualitative approach, employing Framework Analysis. This methodology allows for a flexible approach to data collection and a comprehensive and systematic method of analysis. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken during 2011 and 2012 with former stroke unit stroke survivors, family carers and senior stroke physicians. In addition, eight focus groups were conducted with members of the multi-disciplinary team. One hundred and twenty-five participants were recruited. Three key themes were identified across all data sets. First, two important processes are described: responses to the impact of stroke and seeking information and stroke-specific knowledge. These are underpinned by a third theme: the challenge in building relationships in organized stroke unit care. Stroke unit care provides satisfaction for stroke survivors, particularly in relation to highly specialized medical and nursing care and therapy. It is proposed that moves towards organized stroke unit care, particularly with the emphasis on reduction of length of stay and a focus on hyper-acute models, have implications for interpersonal care practices and the sharing of stroke-specific knowledge.

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