
The rise of opportunity for stakeholders in the arecanut sector to explore the potential of value-added arecanut products. The arecanut farmers are facing a lack of training on arecanut practices, the improper post-harvest practices deteriorate the quality of nuts that cause the nuts to fetch lower price in the market. They are also not aware of the opportunities for value added arecanut. The knowledge level of post- harvest practices of arecanut is lacking among arecanut growers. The arecanut farmers sell the raw nuts to the pre-harvest contractors without knowing the opportunities available in arecanut value addition. The contractors in turn they carry out the value addition and sold in the market. The price of the nut is mainly decided by its quality which correlates to post-harvest practices and value addition that plays a major role in arecanut value.The study investigated the challenges encountered by arecanut farmers in adopting value addition technology.The datas were collected among arecanut farmers related to the challenges they face in adopting value addition technology. The ex-post facto research design was employed; several kinds of constraints were gathered through a literature study and expert opinion. They were given in an interview schedule for the farmers to rank accordingly. The acquired data were analyzed, and ranks were assigned based on Rank-Based Quotient percentage.The major challenges faced by the arecanut farmers were Lack of credit (85%), Inadequate knowledge of value addition technology (82.5%), No re-training facilities (81.675), Lack of equipment/facilities (78.33%), Lack of market (74.17%) and Contacting extension agents (56.67%).By overcoming these limitations, arecanut farmers can adopt value addition technology, leading to profit.

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