
Mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, iPads, and laptops have become increasingly used in the workplace, bringing new cybersecurity challenges to organizations where they have been connected to the company's network. Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) practice, which allows employees to use their personal devices for work purposes from anywhere and at any time. Although BYOD offers benefits, it also has drawbacks in the workplace. So, its adoption is a source of concern. This study's objective is to know which of the fourteen BYOD potential security concerns mentioned in the questionnaire were faced before by the IT department staff and how they ranked these BYOD potential security concerns depending on their experience from low to very high. A descriptive methodology was employed in this study. A questionnaire was used to collect data from forty people in the IT department at Aden Refinery Company. The results show that some BYOD potential security concerns have been faced by all the staff in the IT department, for instance (viruses and malware infections). Also, the results indicate that organizations need to create more awareness regarding BYOD security due to the IT department staff having faced more than one of the BYOD potential security concerns.

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