
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is currently experiencing a crisis in its dispute system, driven by an increasing number of disputes, escalating complexity of case law, and the ongoing blockade by the United States of Appellate Body appointments since 2016. This blockade has resulted in significant delays in the WTO’s litigation process, disproportionately affecting developing countries - majority members of the WTO - due to the substantial financial costs associated with pursuing litigation. This study aims to analyze the challenges faced by Vietnam and other developing nations in navigating the WTO dispute system. Employing a qualitative methodology, this research will draw on primary sources including legal documents, official WTO reports, and governmental statements. The findings are expected to highlight the limitations of current WTO regulations, the inadequate support from the Advisory Centre on WTO Law (ACWL), and the financial obstacles that deter developing countries from participating actively in the Dispute Settlement System.

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