
The Ministry of Agriculture launched the Agri Clinics and Agri-Business Centers (ACABC) scheme in 2002 to exploit the innate potential of unemployed agricultural graduates towards dynamic agriconsultancy services, to offer employment prospects. The present study was carried out in Andhra Pradesh state during 2020-21. The primary data was collected with help of a questionnaire from 400 sample-trained agricultural graduates. The results showed that the success rate of starting an agriventure is low because of various challenges faced by trained agricultural graduates. Similarly, lack of own capital to launch a business, handholding support from NTIs, family support, business and field experience, a high rate of interest on loans, and numerous formalities in obtaining bank loans were the major challenges to establish an agri-venture. The present study was a modest attempt to identify the challenges faced by the trained agricultural graduates in establishing and operating the agri-venture under the ACABC scheme in Andhra Pradesh.

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