
Counterfeit medicines are substandard pharmaceutical products that are produced and sold with the intent to deceptively represent their authenticity, origin, or effectiveness. The risk of the existence of such products in healthcare provision remains a significant threat to public health. Pharmacists represent the most critical stakeholders in the supply, manufacture, purchase, and dispensing of pharmaceutical products, and as such can play critical roles in detecting and reducing the circulation of fake medicines. This study aimed to assess the knowledge and practices of pharmacists in Nigeria in relation to counterfeit medicines as well as the challenges associated with preventing and mitigating this menace in the country. A cross-sectional study was undertaken to administer questionnaires to pharmacists across various sectors of practice in Nigeria. Data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences. A total of 390 valid responses were received. The respondents indicated that online drug commerce (72.68%), inadequate inspection (90.93%), inadequate legislation (88.83%), poor collaboration (89.94%), and poor cross-border enforcement (90.43%) were primary challenges to the mitigation of fake medicines circulation in the country. Whilst pharmacists were knowledgeable about counterfeit drugs, gaps were observed in their practices towards detection of these products, as about one-third (30.7%) of the sample indicated that their current knowledge and skills were inadequate to detect counterfeit medicines. Age, years of practice, and area of practice significantly influenced the abilities of the participants to detect counterfeit medicines. Evidence from the study revealed that pharmacists had good knowledge of medicine counterfeiting in Nigeria. However, factors such as poor collaboration among regulatory agencies, inadequate inspection and legislation on the regulation of the pharmaceutical sector and online sales of medicines have contributed to the circulation of counterfeit medicines, and this has in turn affected healthcare services in the country.

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