
The development of the global oil industry is closely related to the exploration of new oil and gas fields through the drilling new deep and ultra-deep wells, as well as the application of modern methods of hydrocarbon production. Usage of new methods of production, increasing the depth of the wells, bottomhole temperatures and pressures sets strict requirements and restrictions for the applied plugging materials. Oil well cements must have a long time of thickening to successfully complete the cementing process, grouting stone must have high strength characteristics, heat-resistant properties at high temperatures and provide reliable isolation of the annulus, also have corrosion resistance, ensure durability of the well lining.


  • Введение Освоение месторождений высоковязких нефтей (Республика Татарстан, Республика Коми, Западная Сибирь и другие); месторождений, содержащих пласто

  • The development of the global oil industry is closely related to the exploration of new oil and gas fields through the drilling new deep and ultra-deep wells, as well as the application of modern methods of hydrocarbon production

  • Oil well cements must have a long time of thickening to successfully complete the cementing process, grouting stone must have high strength characteristics, heat-resistant properties at high temperatures and provide reliable isolation of the annulus, have corrosion resistance, ensure durability of the well lining

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