
Three level forest science and research system has been set up, consisting of the national (19 institutes), provincial (62 agencies), and prefecture/county levels (492 organizations). Successful achievements have been made in many research fields, that is tree breeding, forest protection and monitoring, forest fire prevention, desertification control, and so on. By 2003, 412 institutes opened up for study toward Master and Ph. D. degree in 15 forest subjects, among which 178 were for doctoral degree. There are 61 forestry training organizations at the national and provincial level. Irrational distribution of research manpower and fund, poor system for research evaluation, and the deterioration of forest are some of problems confronting forest research. Some suggestions were provided to advance China's forestry science and technology, that is more investment both in basic and advanced research, systematic integration and application of scientific achievement, protection of property rights, reinforcement of economic research and so on. The forestry education and training in the Tenth Five Year Plan Period aims at cultivation of five teams, i. e., team of optimized, capable, honest and efficient civil servants, team of managers with extensive knowledge, specialties, and leadership, team of specialists with techniques and innovation, team of workers with good skills, and team of farmers with know‐how on tree and grass planting. 363 Plan will push the strengthening the development of Three Teams for Cultivating, Attracting and Utilizing talented individuals; the initiation of Six Technical Programs, which includes Ecological development and security, Forestry bio‐tech and superior seed, Conservation and utilization of germ plasm resources, Biological industry development, Digital forestry and Forestry innovation; and the Promotion of Three Educational Programs, namely Comprehensive training, Vocational education, and Stable promotion of higher education.

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