
Since February 24, when Russia invaded Ukraine, more than 4.5 million people chose to move to areas where they feel safe. Approximately 650,000 refugees passed through Ro­ma­nia. A total of 80,000 chose to stay in our country and 30,000 of them are children. In this context, given the high epi­de­mio­lo­gi­cal risk of communicable diseases, the Ministry of Public Health sent to all public health departments, the Metho­do­lo­gi­cal Guide for monitoring the hygiene conditions in refugee camps, especially targeting counties with border cros­sing-points. The guide contains a series of measures re­gar­ding the on-site hygiene regulations, drinking water supply, wastewater management, waste management, vec­tor control, and the Syndromic Surveillance System do­cu­ment for the detection of communicable diseases related to the influx of people from Ukraine. The document contains case definitions for seven types of syndromes: respiratory, diph­the­ria, eruptive, neurological (meningeal and acute flaccid paralysis), diarrhea and viral hemorrhagic fever. An epi­de­mio­lo­gical triage questionnaire was developed and sent to all medical staff that interact with refugees.

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