
The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in higher education represents a transformative force that has the potential to bridge educational disparities and empower rural communities. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the challenges and issues faced in the pursuit of ICT integration in rural higher education settings. Rural areas worldwide are marked by a digital divide, which results in limited access to reliable internet, outdated infrastructure, and high costs associated with ICT resources. These challenges have far-reaching implications, including hindrances to equitable learning opportunities, reduced access to relevant educational content, and an underdeveloped digital literacy among students and faculty. The core challenges discussed in this paper encompass infrastructure limitations, affordability concerns, inadequate digital literacy, curriculum relevance, and the rapid obsolescence of technology. However, the paper also examines potential solutions and best practices that address these challenges. Infrastructure improvements, financial assistance, digital literacy programs, customized curricula, and sustainable technology adoption are strategies to mitigate these issues and enable rural higher education institutions to harness the benefits of ICT effectively.

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