
This study explores the Challenges and Impact of Male Midwives in the Improvement of Midwifery Practice in Nigeria. Midwifery practice in Nigeria has been a cornerstone of maternal and newborn healthcare for decades, primarily carried out by female midwives. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), midwives in Nigeria provide essential services such as antenatal care, skilled birth attendance, and postnatal care, contributing significantly to improving maternal and infant health outcomes. Materials and Methods: Literature search was conducted from empirical studies utilising 4 database: PubMed, Goggle scholar, Semantics scholar, Research gate using the keywords, male midwives, maternal and child health, male involvement, male midwifery education, gender issues in midwifery. The study analyzed the importance of males in midwifery practice, challenges faced by male midwives and male willingness to involve in midwifery practice. These challenges faced by male midwives in Nigeria may include, overcoming societal norms, navigating gender biases, and addressing workplace dynamics. While specific studies on this topic in Nigeria is limited, broadening the scope of research may help shed light on potential challenges. Conclusion: In conclusion, implementing these strategies in a coordinated manner will enable policymakers, healthcare leaders, and advocacy groups work together to promote gender equality in midwifery practice and create a more inclusive and supportive healthcare environment for all.

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