
This paper presents a reactor core uncertainty analysis in the framework of the OECD/NEA UAM Benchmark. Three types of uncertainties affecting the predictions of power distribution in the core of a nuclear reactor are discussed: the uncertainties of basic nuclear data, the uncertainties resulting from the use of different simulation tools and those due to approximations in reflector modelling. The contribution of nuclear data uncertainty on the power distribution of a UOX and a MOX core is assessed with the XSUSA tool. Overall, the results obtained with different tools in both institutions are in good agreement, showing that the power distribution uncertainty due to the use of different simulation tools is much lower than the one due to nuclear data, which is a large contributor. Lastly, the paper presents preliminary work showing the relevance of reflector modelling on the uncertainty of the power distribution at nominal conditions as well as on an asymmetrical case representative of accidental conditions.

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