
Nigeria is plagued by avalanche of challenges. Prominent among them are issues of ethnicity, politics by identity, security, religious cleavages, corruption and nepotism, and prebendalism to mention a few. These factors have continued to generate tensions that sap the country of its vitality. They have created unhealthy competition among different Nigerian elites mainly, those from the three largest ethnic groups centered on national economic control and political leadership. The continued dominance of the country’s national life by the Hausa-Fulani, the Igbo and Yoruba, and the ensuing conflict among political elites of the diverse groups, distort and threaten socio-economic development, national security and disturb peaceful co-existence among Nigerians. Ethnic and religious cleavages have assumed terrorist dimension that interrupt economic and social stability. Hence, government ineptitude, manipulations and growing Islamic and Christian assertion seem to heighten violence between adherents of the two religions in the country. This paper essays on the challenges of security and social stability. It argues that amongst the numerous challenges to security and social stability in Nigeria, ethnicity, politics by identity and prebendal politics are directly responsible. The persistence of these grim issues makes the country trade the tumbled pathway to disintegration heightened state of insecurity and social instability.Keywords: ethnicity, politics by identity, corruption, prebendalism, security and social stability

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