
The study examined the challenges faced by tutors in the teaching of the visual arts education (VAE) in national teachers’ colleges (NTCs) in Uganda. The study adopted a qualitative approach where tutors’ and pre-service visual arts teachers’ (PVATs) views about the challenges facing them in the teaching and learning in visual arts were expressed. Data were collected from two pur­posively selected NTCs, and ten tutors. Yet, the 48 second year PVATs who participated in this study, were randomly selected from the many who were available. The researchers used interviews, document reviews and focus group discussions to collect data. The findings show that the challenges facing tutors in the teaching of visual arts have a great impact on what PVATs learn. Some visual art disciplines have too much content to be covered within a short period of two years. There is a general lack of teaching resources, such as art materials, tools and equipment, textbooks, and inadequate teaching space. The researchers recommended the reduction of the content of some visual art disciplines to fit the available time; provide art materials, tools and equipment as well as adequate teaching space which would allow the use of more appropriate teaching methods which would avail tutors with the opportunity to perform to their expectations in visual arts teaching.


  • Tutors are tasked with the responsibility of preparing pre-service teachers who, upon graduation, are deployed to teach in secondary schools

  • The researchers recommended the reduction of the content of some visual art disciplines to fit the available time; provide art materials, tools and equipment as well as adequate teaching space which would allow the use of more appropriate teaching methods which would avail tutors with the opportunity to perform to their expectations in visual arts teaching

  • Tutor Bambi stated that: It is challenging to be assigned to teach visual art discipline you have never learnt during your teacher preparation or in which you have limited knowledge...because you cannot answer pre-service visual arts teachers’ (PVATs) questions during teaching... what we end up doing is dodging the learners’ questions and dictate the rest as a way of avoiding exposing your ignorance

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Tutors are tasked with the responsibility of preparing pre-service teachers who, upon graduation, are deployed to teach in secondary schools. Pre-service teachers prepared in these NTCs graduate with a Diploma in Secondary Education (DSE), and are deployed to teach in secondary schools of Uganda. The aspiring pre-service teachers who apply and get admitted to a two-year DSE programme in NTCs are those who have completed Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE). The pre-service teachers who are admitted on the DSE programme in VAE are commonly known as Pre-service Visual Arts Teachers (PVATs). The tutors in these NTCs prepare PVATs using a Visual Arts Curriculum (VAC) discussed below

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