
The interplay of practical and symbolic function is not often studied within the context of prehistoric roads or trails, and such an approach within the Southwest could provide researchers with an analogue for future comparative studies. Roads associated with Casa Negra, Casa Shields, and Goodman Point pueblos, located within Hovenweep National Monument in Southwest Colorado, offer the opportunity for this type of research. An initial hypothesis is that the associated road and trail network was intended to facilitate movement between these pueblos and neighboring habitation sites and symbolized group identity. To establish a functional interpretation of the roads, GIS analysis put the roads and trials in the context of the greater landscape and their associated features. Spatial analysis was also supplemented with ground survey to observe the morphology of the roads and trails as well as to identify additional paths. To establish a symbolic function, habitation, and ritual sites that can be related to the road based upon a spatial analysis have been analyzed along with a comparative study with Chaco Canyon. The conclusions that this research establishes provides context for future research concerning function and symbolism within the lived landscape.

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