
Common Information Model (CIM) is an important framework used to describe electrical power systems at different voltage levels, widely applied both in the area of event message exchange and in network topology and parameter exchange. Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES) is a superset of CIM, developed specifically to meet needs of ENTSO-E, related to coordination of different actions performed by Transmission System Operators (TSO) working in the reality of interconnected and interdependent pan-European power grid. It works as vendor-independent interface between European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) members, allowing them to exchange modelling information and perform common studies, despite their reliance on different analytical applications.This article is meant to work as an introduction to CGMES, its history, current place in ENTSO-E business processes, results of interoperability test and paths for further development. Key concepts in power system modelling for interconnected transmission systems are presented, including centrally maintained Boundary profiles, model authority sets (MAS), usage of globally unique master resource identifiers (mRID), profile-based model exchange and processing.

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