
Electrodialysis (ED) of Li2SO4 plays a crucial role in the closed-loop recycling of lithium-ion batteries. The enhanced flexibility and energy efficiency of batch-mode EDs highlight the significance of time-dependent models. The gaseous molecules evolved from electrochemical reactions induce localized turbulence, significantly impacting the velocity, potential, and concentration distributions. This study presents a two-phase model that analyzes the dynamic behaviour of a batch-mode Li2SO4 ED and investigates the bubbles’ impact employing an Euler-Euler model. The finite element method solves time-dependent hydrodynamic, mass conservation, and electrochemical equations. The model shows close agreement with experimental data, and incorporating the two-phase model reduces the concentration error from 20.6% to 10.3%. Bubbles-induced liquid circulation by buoyant and drag forces reduces concentration polarization, increasing transmembrane ionic fluxes and improving ED performance. Although bubbles increase ohmic overpotential, the enhanced ionic concentrations in concentrate channels due to bubble-induced liquid circulation reduce electrolyte resistance. Raising the inlet flowrate reduces the gas fraction and diminishes solution circulation.

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