
It is a considerable challenge to develop a mathematical method for modelling the coupling relationship between the control signal and braking performance in the design and optimization, especially with a highly nonlinear system. The present study thus establishes an integrated CFD-aided method, elaborately proposed based on a 1D/3D co-simulation to accomplish a goal of collaborative calculation between multi-physics fields, and conducting the braking and thermal properties that changes dynamically with the control signal. In particular, the 3D model is actually a multi-domain coupling CFD transient calculation, and the 1D model provides the dynamic boundary conditions. These results manifest some interesting issues, such as modelling the prediction interaction between the isolated control signal and dynamic braking capability. The synergies of the blade agitation and centrifugal force in the multi-phases development affect the oil-filling control and braking generation. The control pressure (Pair ) and throttle area (Aout ) are predominated in enhancing braking torque, shortening response time, and improving heat dissipation efficiency. The operations of Pair ≤ 3.2 bar and Aout ≥ 64π mm2 ensure a safe and reliable design and then optimize braking and control characteristics. The resulting maximum braking torque is 4070Nm, and the outlet oil temperature is reduced to 138°C.

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