
Constant false alarm rate (CFAR) is a traditional method for radar target detection. A lot of relevant researches assume that the sea clutter obeys the K distribution. However, with the improvement of the radar resolution and the increase of the grazing angle, the distribution of sea clutter gradually deviates from the K distribution. Although good fitting results can be obtained through the more complicated sea clutter models such as KA distribution, K+Rayleigh distribution and so on, the computational efficiency of the detection algorithm is reduced obviously. For computational complexities are mainly caused by non-closed expression, A hybrid sea-clutter distribution (KK distribution) with closed-form expression for high-resolution and high grazing angle situation is proposed, which fits the measured data. Inspired by this, a new hybrid sea-clutter distribution (KR distribution) with 4 parameters is proposed. A new method of parameter estimation for KR distribution is given, that is, passingparameter estimation method based on hybrid distribution. The results show that the fitting effect of KR distribution is better than that of both K distribution and KK distribution in case of high resolution and large grazing angle. And the CA-CFAR based on KR distribution of passing-parameter estimation performs relatively better in the aspect of target detection.

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