
At the time of this testing, the Low-Activity Waste Pretreatment System (LAWPS) was to provide for the initial production of immobilized low-activity waste by feeding Hanford tank supernate from tank farms to the Hanford Tank Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) Low-Activity Waste (LAW) Facility for immobilization. Washington River Protection Solutions requested that Hanford tank waste collected from tank 241-AP-107 (hereafter called AP-107) be processed using conceived pretreatment steps (suspended solids removal by filtration, Cs removal by ion exchange) then vitrified. A small-scale test platform to demonstrate the solids filtration, Cs removal, and LAW vitrification was constructed and installed at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Bench-scale ion exchange testing with approximately 9 L of AP-107 supernate was conducted using crystalline silicotitanate (CST) ion exchange media. The IONSIV R9140-B CST was provided by Honeywell UOP, LLC in 2018 (Batch 2081000057). The ion exchange media was first tested with simulant and was previously described. This report describes the Cs ion exchange batch contact and column test results with the AP-107 tank waste. Batch contact testing helps to evaluate CST performance on tank waste supernate prior to processing it in the ion exchange columns. Batch contacts were performed with the waste at four Cs concentrations at a phase ratio of 200 (liquid volume to exchanger mass) with AP-107. The distribution coefficient (Kd) at the equilibrium condition of 8.57 µg Cs/mL (AP-107 feed condition) was determined to be 669 mL AP-107/g CST. With a CST bed density of 1.00 g/mL, this Kd corresponded to a predicted 50% Cs breakthrough of 669 bed volumes (BVs). The Cs load capacity at the equilibrium feed condition was determined to be 7.5 mg Cs/g dry CST. The column testing was prototypic to the intended LAWPS operations in a lead-lag column format, although on a small-scale basis with 10-mL CST beds. The feed was processed downflow through the lead column and then through the lag column at ~2.2 BV/h. Loading continued until the lag column reached the WTP waste acceptance criteria (WAC) for receiving supernatant waste for vitrification (a function of the Na and 137Cs concentrations). For AP-107, the WAC is 0.114% of the influent 137Cs concentration; this required a Cs decontamination factor of 876. The Cs effluent from the lag column reached the WAC after processing ~410 BVs. To keep the subsequent product effluent below the WAC, a replacement lag column was prepared, the lead column was removed from service (after processing a total of 471 BVs), the lag column was put into the lead column position, and the replacement lag column was installed. Feed processing continued and after another ~290 BVs the Cs effluent from the lag column again exceeded the WAC. In both cases, the lead columns only reached 25% Cs breakthrough before removal. Although 50% Cs breakthrough was not reached, this value was estimated and averaged based on extrapolation of the loading curves (640 BVs) and agreed within 4% of the predicted 50% Cs breakthrough from batch contact test results (669 BVs). Table ES.1 summarizes the observed column performance and relevant Cs loading characteristics.

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