
AbstractNeural tissue provocation testing of the upper and lower limbs involves cervical spine sensitizing maneuvers, and treatment of neural tissue disorders includes repeated mobilizations of a test component. The effects of cervical spine sensitizing maneuvers and repeated knee extension mobilizations in the slump position have not been evaluated. Asymptomatic subjects (n=27) ages 21 to 55, were randomly assigned to two groups based on initial cervical spine position. Using a cross-over design, the angle of right knee extension at the onset/limit of pain (PI/P2) was determined before and after ten passive knee extensions at 10°/second to P2. Hamstring muscle activity was recorded during the ten repetitions. The results indicate (p < 0.05) 1) cervical spine sensitizing maneuvers during the slump test have an effect on the measured angle of knee extension and 2) the angle of knee extension at P1 and P2 significantly decreased following mobilization.

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