
SummaryIntroductionPrimary-prevention by prophylactic vaccination against HPV-related cancers and HPV-based screening programs are based on HPV-type distribution in immunocompetent individuals. HIV-infected women are at high risk of invasive HPV-disease sustained by a broader range of HPV-types and have higher multi-type infection rates than immunocompetent hosts.MethodsThis is a cross-sectional analysis of High Risk HPV (HR HPV) type distribution in 805 HIV+ women (HIW) compared with a control group of 1402 immunocompetent HIV- women (SPW) enrolled in the VALHIDATE study in order to define HPV type-specific distribution according to cytology.ResultsHIW had a 3.8, 3.6, and 2.7 times higher risk of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS), low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) and high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) than SPW respectively. HPV-DNA prevalence was 28.4% in HIW and 11.81% in SPW (p<0.0001). The prevalence of infection increased from normal cytology to HSIL both in HIW (from 21.45% to 90.91%) and SPW (from 9.54% to 75%). The OR for women with normal cytology of having a positive HPV-DNA test result of was 2.6 times higher in HIW than in SPW. The cumulative prevalence of HPV-16/18 in HSIL is much lower in HIW (36.4±28.4) than SPW (62.5±33.5).ConclusionsA higher prevalence of infection and broader HPV type distribution were observed in HIV+ women compared to the general population. More than 60% of HSIL lesions of HIW patients are caused by single or multi-type infections from non-HPV16/18 HPVs. The potential 9v-HPV vaccine coverage could be even higher than that expected for the general population given the wide panel of HPV-types observed in the HSIL of HIV+ women.

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