
Cholecystokinin decreases food intake in animals and in man. This study investigated whether the structurally related ceruletide reduces food intake in healthy non-obese man. Twelve females and 12 males participated, after an over-night fast, in each of two experiments. During the basal 40 min, saline was infused IV. Thereafter, the infusion was, in random double blind fashion, either continued with saline or switched to 60 or 120 ng/kg b. wt/hr ceruletide. Butter was melted in a pan and scrambled eggs with ham were prepared in front of the subjects, who were instructed to eat, together with bread and mallow tea, as much as they wanted. With 120 ng/kg/hr ceruletide, the subjects ate significantly less (16.8 percent) than with saline (3725 kJ±489 SEM and 4340 kJ±536, respectively; p<0.025). They also reported less hunger ( p<0.005) and activation ( p<0.01), and had longer reaction times ( p<0.01) and a weaker psychomotor performance ( p<0.025). 60 ng/kg/hr ceruletide decreased food intake only slightly (6.6%; 3089 kJ±253 and 3292 kJ±300 respectively) and no significant changes in the above measures occurred. In conclusion, ceruletide reduces food intake in man, thus resembling the effects of cholecystokinin.

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