
Over the last couple years, I've seen a vast increase in the number of requests for proposals (RFPs) and job postings that require certifications or credentialing at both the individual and organizational levels. These range from certifications on specific tools and technologies to broadbased methodology competencies. In an ever-escalating pattern, they're being abused by all parties concerned. The process is overwhelmingly becoming a check off the box feel-good exercise, with decreasing value as the process itself devolves. I've asked executives if they really achieve value from these mandates (either perceptible or measurable). Their answers are a bit unsettling, and the entire situation certainly requires a get well program for CIOs. There are plenty of zealots on both sides of the argument who will not step back and accept the reality of the situation. But if they want tangible examples, I'll be only too sorry to produce them. To be very clear about the premise behind this article: I value credentials but am appalled by the rampant and escalating abuse and abdication or responsibility around this topic.

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