
Properly constructed certification system is effective tool for implementing both HR strategy and strategy of organization as a whole. Appraisal should ensure relationship of mission, strategy, vision, values and correlate individual tasks with goals of organization. Purpose of this work was to analyze functioning system of attestation of activities of institute’s personnel, identify existing problems and find ways to solve them. Authors studied indicators of provision of enterprise with scientific personnel, qualitative composition of employees, considered indicators of composition of personnel by education, presented indicators of effectiveness of organization’s activities and proposed measures to improve personnel policy. Employee survey was conducted to assess effectiveness of existing certification system and to obtain information about attitude of employees to assessment problem. Survey was conducted on issues of job satisfaction and index of job satisfaction of organization’s employees was calculated. Analysis of currently existing methods of working with personnel is carried out. Issues on improving development of human resources were considered. Modern multi-stage approach to personnel certification procedure is proposed. Methodological provisions of procedure for attestation of managers and employees of Institute have been developed Subsequently scientific and practical recommendations developed were aimed at improving certification procedure and increasing efficiency of human resources.

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