
The analysis of certain trends in the development of the rare-earth-element (REE) world market is presented allowing for changes in the commerce and industrial policy of China and REE-consumption tendencies. The main characteristics of modern REE markets are considered and the volume of the world production, world trade, and prices are evaluated. The market dynamics for 2000–2020 is described and main indices and prices are forecasted to 2020. The review of modern world REE reserves, production, and trade over main countries is given. The prices and main REE buyers, as well as the consumption forecast, are presented. Prospects of the domestic REE market allowing for the fulfillment of the subprogram “Development of the Industry of Rare and Rare-Earth Metals” of the State Program of the Russian Federation “Development of Industry and an Increase in Its Competitiveness” are evaluated. The purpose of the subprogram was the development of the competitive rare-earth industry of a complete fabrication cycle to satisfy the needs of the domestic defense-industry complex, civil branches of industry, and output to foreign markets. The necessity of fulfilling this subprogram, making it possible to change the market conditions and the development of production of REEs in the territory of the Russian Federation, is noted, including by normative, nontariff, and technical regulations. Loparite and apatite remain the main sources of the REE raw materials in Russia for industrial processing for the nearest period, and the REE production from apatite will increase. It is emphasized that the prospects of REE development in the Russian Federation consist mainly of the development of new enterprises consuming REE production rather than in an increase in production of primary products.

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