
This article derives certain estimates based on properties of the Lagrangian integral for (classical) solutions of equations of the form \[ ( 1 )\qquad \sum\limits_i {\left( {a_i ( {\bf x} )\phi ( w )w_{x_i } } \right)} _{x_i } + c( {\bf x} )f( w ) = 0, \] and \[ ( 2 )\qquad \sum\limits_j {\sum\limits_i {\left( {a_i ( {\bf x} )\phi ( w )w_{x_i x_i } } \right)} } _{x_j x_j } + c( {\bf x} )f( w ) = 0, \], ${\bf x} \in \Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n $ where $a_i ( {\bf x} )$ are positive in $\Omega $. These estimates depend on the size and shape of $\Omega $, but do not depend on the boundary conditions imposed on $\partial \Omega $. Examples are given of applications to nonlinear membrane and both linear and nonlinear thin plate theory.

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