
In November 1967 a test was carried out at Vilnius State University and Vilnius State Pedagogical Institute with the aim to check the second- and third-year students’ knowledge, skills and habits in using English tenses. The objective of the test was to ascertain the difficulties the students encounter in learning English tenses. The results of the test revealed the following: I. The largest number of mistakes is made in the use of the Past Indefinite, Present Perfect and Past Perfect. This is caused by some reasons of philological and methodological character. Partially the teaching process which does not provide for the study of grammar as a separate aspect is to be blamed. II. The teaching of grammar should be rearranged in the following way: a) by changing the system of presenting and consolidating the grammar material proceeding from the peculiarities of the grammar system of the native language; b) by teaching grammar as a separate aspect in close connection with the entire material of the English language, taught at every particular higher school


  • The objective of the test was to ascertain the difficulties the students encounter in learning English tenses

  • The Largest number of miistakes is made in the use of the Past Indefinite, Present Perfect and Past Perfect

  • The teach­ ing process which does not provide for the study of grammar as a separate aspect is to be blamed

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CTpoil aHrJIHHCKOro 5l3b!Ka cyllJ.eCTBeHHO OTJmųaetcH OT rpaMMaTHŲeCKoro CTPOH JIHTOBCKoro H3hIKa. BMeCTO HHX 6oJibllHl HCTBO cTy.n.eHTOB yrroTpe6JIHIOT Past Indefinite HJIH rryTaIOT Present Perfect H Past Perfect. Use rrpe.n.CTaBJieHHhle )l.HarpaMMbI IIOKa3bIBaIOT, KaKOH rrpoueHT OT 06mero KOJin:ųecrna oum6oK cocTaBJIHIOT oum6KH B Present, Past, Future Indefinite H Present H Past Perfect na BTopoM H TpeTbeM Kypcax BHJih­ moccKoro rocy.n.apcrneHHoro ne.n.arorw1ecKoro HHCTHTyTa H BHJihHIOCCKOro rocy.rar. EoJiee BbICOKHH yposeHh TeopeTHųecKHX 3HaHHH y cTyJJ.eHTOB yHHBep­ c11TeTa MO)KHO o6bHCHHTb TeM, ųTo B yHHBepcHTeTe rpaMMaTHKa H3yųaeTCH rrnK OT)l,eJibHblH acneKT H3b1Ka, B TO speMH KaK B ne.n:arorHųecKOM HHCTIITyTe B Teųemie IIOCJie.lHl. HX JieT rpaMMaTHKa H3yųaeTCH B KOMIIJieKce. OcHOBHOH OIIIHOKOH BO BTopott ųacTH TeCTa aa.n.o CŲHTaTb TO, ųyo no.n. BJIHHHHeM po.n:aoro H3b!Ka cry.n.eHTbI npHIIHChIBaIOT 3HaųeaHe npome.n:mero BpeMeHH JlHTOBCKOro rJiaroJia aHrJIHHCKHM BpeMeHHblM opMaM, Bhlpa­ )KaIOUIHM JJ.ettcTBHH, HMeBIIIHe MeCTo B npoIIIJIOM. CTy.n.eHTbI-JIHTOBUbI ,u:onycKaIOT ;:r.oBOJibHO 60Jibn10e KOJIHųecTBO oum6oK B o6pa3oBaHHH H ynoTpe6JieHHH cpopM Past lndefinite, Present Perfect M Past Perfect aHrJIHHcKoro rnaroJia. 3ro o6bHCHHeTcH: a) pHJ:r.OM IIpHŲHH cpHJIOJIOrHųecKoro H MeToJJ.11ųecKoro IIOpH,n:Ka, 6) opraH113aUHef ne.n.arornųecKoro npouecca, npe.n.IIoJiara10rn.eif H3yųem1e rpaMMarn:KM JIHIIIb B KOMmleKce. II. L(AI l(URIE ANGLŲ !(ALBOS VEIKSMA20D1:10 LAIKŲ ĮSISAVINIMO SUNKUMAI, l(YLĄ LIETUVIAMS STUDENTAMS AUl(šTOJOJE MOl(Yl(LOJE

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