
This article on the example of specific language material analyzes the difficulties causes by the need to translate the text as a semantic whole, as well as outline the methods to avoid them. The texts is viewed from two perspectives – as a coherent fragment of speech, and as a speech of particular style. The author carries out comparative analysis of the forms of expression inherent to the texts of scientific and formal business styles in the Russian and English languages; highlights the elements relevant for translation; and classifies them based on nature of their correlation. The article also considers the problems of achieving coherence in translation of the text. The conclusion is made on the need for additional translation transformations substantiated not so much by discrepancies in the structure of two languages, but as by belonging of the original text to a particular speech style. The author lays emphasis on coherence and stylistic uniqueness as the elements relevant for translation of the text as a semantic whole. Such transformations as translation conversion, inter-level transformations, and omission are proposed for translating deverbal nouns in scientific and formal business texts. In the aspect of achieving coherence in translation, the author determines such problems as sentence-level topic model and preservation of co-reference. The article can be valuable for translators and in teaching translation techniques.

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