
This paper describes current state of the investigation of Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES), which had its first instrument launched on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) from Japan in late November 1998. This instrument performed extremely well during its first six months in orbit. The ERBE-like data products from the CERES instrument on TRMM are being archived, so that geolocated radiances are already available for scientific research, about six months after launch. This paper also describes some of the validation work the CERES Team has undertaken and identifies differences between ERBE data and CERES. Because of the complexity of the measurement process, several factors must be considered in dealing with the question of whether these differences are the result of changes between the ERBE and CERES measurements or are real changes in the radiation budget. Based on this work, the CERES investigation appears poised to provide a major improvement in our understanding of the interaction between clouds, radiation, and climate.

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