
Purpose. To assess arterial circulation inflow and venous outflow in extra and intracranial vessels in young patients with initially diagnosed hypertension with or without consistent hypertensive therapy in correlation to degree and stage of hypertensive disease (HD). Materials and methods. We have examined 82 patients (mean age 36,9±1,5), with HD of the 1-st degree, 63,4 % and 2-nd degree – 36,6 %, HD of the 1-st degree – 61 % and 2-nd degree – 39 %. He control group included – 28 healthy patients of the same age and having normal blood pressure. Circulation in extra and intracranial arteries and veins was studied by ultrasound apparatus Logiq 9 (GEHealthcare,USA). Results. Patients with hypertension disease reliably demonstrated blood flow decrease in carotid and cerebral arteries depending on the degree and stage of HD compared to healthy people with a normal blood pressure. Venous outflow in patients with AH of the 1-st degree and HD of the first stage was increasing objectively in relevance to the patients with AH of the 2-nd degree and HD of the 20nd stage and healthy patients. Later in patients with AH of the 2-nd degree and HD of the 2-nd stage internal jugular vein elasticity decrease was observed accompanied by diminishing of blood stream velocity. Conclusion. Patients with HD of 1-st and 20-nd stage and AH of 1-st and 2-nd degree demonstrate blood stream autoregulation in extra and intracranial arteries of the brain. Changes in venous outflow in AH and HD of the 1-st degree and stage are compensatory. Severity of AH and HD results in cerebral venous congestion confirmed by ultrasound signs.


  • We have examined 82 patients, with hypertensive disease (HD) of the 1-st degree, 63,4 % and 2-nd degree – 36,6 %, HD of the 1-st degree – 61 % and 2-nd degree – 39 %

  • Patients with hypertension disease reliably demonstrated blood flow decrease in carotid and cerebral arteries depending on the degree and stage of HD compared to healthy people with a normal blood pressure

  • Later in patients with AH of the 2-nd degree and HD of the 2-nd stage internal jugular vein elasticity decrease was observed accompanied by diminishing of blood stream velocity

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Минздрава России, Хабаровск, Россия, 2 Краевое государственное бюджетное учреждения здравоохранения «Консультативно-диагностический центр» МЗ Хабаровского края «Вивея», Хабаровск, Россия. Оценка артериального притока и венозного оттока в экстра- и интракраниальных сосудах у больных молодого возраста с ГБ, впервые выявленной, и/или при отсутствии постоянной антигипертензивной терапии в зависимости от степени АГ и стадии заболевания. Обследовано 82 пациента (средний возраст 36,9±1,5 года): с ГБ I стадии – 63,4 % и II стадии – 36,6 %, АГ 1-й степени – 61 % и 2-й степени – 39 %. У больных с ГБ наблюдалось достоверное по сравнению с лицами с нормальным АД снижение показателей кровотока в сонных и мозговых артериях в зависимости от степени АГ и стадии ГБ. У больных молодого возраста с ГБ I–II стадии и АГ 1–2-й степени сохранена ауторегуляция кровотока в экстра- и интракраниальных артериях головы. To assess arterial circulation inflow and venous outflow in extra and intracranial vessels in young patients with initially diagnosed hypertension with or without consistent hypertensive therapy in correlation to degree and stage of hypertensive disease (HD)

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