
To identify CMBs' prevalence and its risk factors assessed by informed criteria in a large population-based individuals from UK Biobank. 9066 subjects at mean age of 55.5 years (SD 7.4 years) were recruited. Brain susceptibility weighted imaging(SWI) data were acquired from 3.0 T scanner. 223 subjects with incomplete or bad imaging quality were excluded. Age, follow-up years, sex, education, stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, diabetes, ever-smoke, blood pressure, body mass index(BMI), medication use, physical activity, APOE4 status and diet preference were included. The Microbleed Anatomical Rating Scale(MARS) was used to assess CMBs.We used unpaired two-samples Welch's t-test for continuous variables and Mann-Whitney test for ranked variables. Two multiple generalized linear models were evaluated: model 1, each risk factor with age, gender and follow-up years taken into account; model 2, statistically significant risk factors from model 1 to be reentered. All statistical analyses were performed using R. 8160 subjects were included (47.27% male). CMBs prevalence was 7.01%, mostly lobar(439 subjects). Adults with CMB were older, less educated, with higher hypertensive status, less BMI and more APOE4 positive presence. The model 2 showed that age, higer BMI and APOE4 were significantly associated with overall CMBs presence; BMI and APOE4 were independently related with lobar CMBs; Blood pressure and ever-smoke were associated with deep group; Dyslipidemia and lamb take were independent predictors of infratentorial CMBs. Each CMBs subgroup has its separate risk factors. More attention should be paid for earlier prevention of CMBs.

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